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Applying for Disability Benefits with Autoimmune Disease

Due to the complexity and severity of autoimmune disease, it can seriously affect our ability to work and even prevent us from maintaining employment. The Social Security Administration (SSA) recognizes this fact and makes disability payments available to those who meet certain eligibility standards. This monthly income is intended to help us meet our financial obligations when we are unable to work due to a disability. To apply for benefits, please visit

Lawyers who specialize in disability cases can be very helpful, particularly if you have already applied and have been denied. The Social Security Administration recently changed the disability application process with its Disability Service Improvement (DSI) initiative, which has now been implemented in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont. For more information on the DSI initiative see Benefits for People with Disabilities.

If you have trouble applying for disability, a lawyer’s guidance may greatly benefit you. The National Organization of Social Security Claimants’ Representatives (800-431-2804) can refer you to an attorney specifically for a disability determination through Social Security.

Tips for Applying for Disability Benefits

Determine if you qualify. Consult the Disability Evaluation Listing of Impairments. Section 11 may be particularly helpful.

Understand the process. Consult the official website for information about how to apply, what is needed to apply, and what happens after you apply here.

Review the checklist for application. This printable list will help you gather the information needed to apply. You’ll need information about doctors, medical tests, medications, job history and it is helpful to have this information on hand to complete the online application.

Anticipate a few months for a decision. It can take about five months to be approved for disability benefits, so it may help your plans to anticipate this timeframe.

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Have you experienced challenges at work due to your autoimmune disease? Share your story with us and help inspire others!