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Autoimmune Community Summit

Virtual Meeting

The entire autoimmune community has a home at the Autoimmune Association. Together, we are leading the fight against autoimmune and autoimmune-related diseases. We are creating hope for a future that includes more awareness and understanding, and better diagnostic tools and treatment options.

The annual Autoimmune Community Summit brings together anyone affected by autoimmune disease to share information, be inspired, and create new connections.

It’s important for patients to connect with others who are facing similar challenges, including the journey to diagnosis and coping with difficult symptoms. The Autoimmune Community Summit provides a platform for patients to connect, share their stories, and build a supportive and encouraging network.


2024 Autoimmune Community Summit

Mark your calendar for the 2024 Autoimmune Community Summit, October 17-18. Check back soon for details and registration information.

Learn more

2023 Autoimmune Community Summit

View recorded sessions from the 2023 Autoimmune Community Summit.


2022 Autoimmune Community Summit

View recorded sessions from the 2022 Autoimmune Community Summit.


2021 Autoimmune Summit

View recorded sessions from the 2021 Autoimmune Summit.


“Hearing stories from other people like me made me feel empowered. We really are a community and I now understand I am not alone.”