Help Define the Gap for Women of Color on the Autoimmune Journey to Diagnosis

How many years did it take before you discovered you had an autoimmune disease? Was it one year, two years, ten years? How many doctors and specialists did you visit? Do you yet have a diagnosis? Did race play a role in the process? Share your journey with ARNet and help define the gap.


What is ARNet – An autoimmune disease patient registry that empowers patients by facilitating their participation in research and clinical trials. Patient registries are online databases created to look for patterns in treatments, side effect management and diagnostics that may lead to improved treatment options and outcomes for patients.

Why ARNet – Over 20,000 patients have contributed information to help others.

Why Me – People of color are historically underrepresented. By sharing your journey, you are helping to define the gap in the journey to diagnosis for other patients just like you.

Why Now – Joining ARNet and sharing your story paves the way for other patients in the autoimmune community by highlighting the similarities and differences.



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