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Get Involved

You have the power to make a difference and improve the lives of those living with autoimmune disease. Together we are stronger, and we want you to be part of that. Browse the opportunities below and help us move towards a better tomorrow!

Supportive Women Socializing

Share your autoimmune story

You have the opportunity to empower others by sharing your story as a patient or caregiver. For many, the reminder that they are not alone in their experiences with autoimmune disease is invaluable. Share your story to make an impact and raise awareness.

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Grassroots Fundraising Guide graphic

Organize a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) fundraiser

DIY fundraisers are an essential stream of funding for the Autoimmune Association. Your dollars add up, giving give hope to the autoimmune community by making a real difference in the fight against autoimmune disease. Please consider joining us in mobilizing your network to donate! We’ve put together a comprehensive guide to help you get started.

Get Started

Friends Of All Ages

Raise awareness

Autoimmune disease is difficult to diagnose, many are classified as rare conditions, and they are often misunderstood by both the medical community and the public. You can make a difference and help increase understanding by shedding light on these challenges through your own network.

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Help increase Autoimmune Association’s impact

With your support we can continue to drive towards a better tomorrow for autoimmune patients around the world.