Do I need a general practitioner or specialist?
Different types of doctors can help you get a comprehensive picture of your health. Medical doctors (MDs) fall into two categories: generalists and specialists. Generalists (Primary Care Providers) are doctors who are a patient’s first point of entry into the healthcare system. Generalists conduct annual physicals, or are a starting point if you need to assess something that’s wrong with your health. They’ve been trained to diagnose a variety of conditions and can assist in helping you track your health over time or in coordinating care when you’re seeing a number of specialists.
Specialists are doctors who have advanced training and degrees in a particular branch of medicine, such as joint health or gastrointestinal health. Depending on the symptom, your primary care provider may recommend that you follow up with a specialist who can further diagnose and recommend treatment. Many health insurers require you to get a referral to a specialist from your primary care doctor.