One theory on why autoimmune diseases are now so prevalent globally is related to an overload of environment chemicals, toxins, pesticides and heavy...
When buying vitamins and supplements that help autoimmune disorders (e.g., Vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, etc.), what factors are most important in choosing...
A la hora de comprar vitaminas y suplementos que ayuden a los trastornos autoinmunitarios (por ejemplo, vitamina D, ácidos grasos omega-3, etc.), ¿qué...
Cogan syndrome is rare autoimmune-mediated rheumatic disorder characterized by recurrent cornea inflammation, fever, weight loss and hearing loss. It can lead the patient...
El síndrome de Cogan es un trastorno reumático autoinmune poco frecuente caracterizado por inflamación recurrente de la córnea, fiebre, pérdida de peso y...