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Organize a DIY Fundraiser

DIY Fundraiser

Organize a do-it-yourself (DIY) fundraiser! These events are a fantastic way to spread the word within your community and raise essential funds for our cause. With a DIY fundraiser, you can create an event or a challenge and invite your family, friends, neighbors and more to support you with donations.

Create a fundraiser now!

Setting up a DIY fundraiser can be straightforward, enjoyable, and doesn’t require grandiose plans! Many find success by incorporating fundraising into activities they already enjoy or regularly participate in. This simplifies the process and adds a meaningful layer to everyday hobbies or interests.

To help you every step of the way, from brainstorming an idea for a fundraiser, to setting up a web page to announce your fundraiser and collect donations, we’ve launched a new DIY Fundraising platform. We’ve made it easy for you to host your own fundraiser and raise awareness. Get started today!

Get our Guide!

Looking for inspiration, fundraising ideas, and how to get started? Check out our DIY Fundraising Guide with all the tips you need to create a successful event.