Sanguine Biosciences: Help Advance Hidradenitis Suppurativa Research from Home

Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS)
Sanguine Biosciences, a provider of at-home clinical research services, is offering an at-home study opportunity for those interested in advancing hidradenitis suppurativa research.
The goal of this research is to allow researchers to enhance our understanding of hidradenitis suppurativa, in support of developing new diagnostic and treatment options for patients living with the condition.
Patients who qualify can support research by providing a one-time blood donation from the comfort of their own homes. As a thank you for participating, you will receive a $100 prepaid gift card after the collection is complete.
*Given the concern regarding the spread of COVID-19, all mobile medical professionals will be provided personal protective equipment (PPE) including gowns, face masks, gloves, hand sanitizer, and alcohol wipes in order to protect our participants and staff against the spread of the virus.
You may qualify to participate if you:
- Are 18 to 85 years of age
- Have been diagnosed with hidradenitis suppurativa
- Live in United States
For More Information
Click here or call (818) 477-4542 to speak with a research coordinator and see if you qualify.
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