Drying My Tears, One Family’s Journey with Autoimmunity by Liz Wilkey
We know that autoimmune disease tends to cluster in people and families, but how do you handle all of that when it is your family that seems to be so unfairly impacted? For author Liz Wilkey, author of Drying My Tars, One Family’s Journey with Autoimmunity, laughter seems to be the best medicine. At the very least, a good sense of humor has maneuvered her family through their autoimmune disease journey.
Heartwarming and down to earth, Liz recounts her tail as again and again a new autoimmune disease diagnosis was added to the list. Starting with her daughters and eventually attacking herself, Liz describes how these diseases transformed her home and family. From watching the progression of diseases happen to those she loves, to dealing with it herself, Liz tells how her daughters have fought their conditions from very young ages to adulthood as she has navigated her own illness as a parent, wife, and professional, all while adapting to the new circumstances while still handling the normal demands and delights that life brings.
The struggles of Liz, her three daughters, and her husband are all too familiar for any person or family impacted by autoimmune diseases. However, Liz brings a healthy dose of humor and humility as she describes how her family has continued to grow and thrive despite the challenges and pain of, lupus, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis’s, and spondylarthrosis, and Sjogren’s syndrome.
Liz offers up her own experiences and ways her and her family have lives and copes with autoimmune diseases. She affirms the value of the practical, loving support of her husband and Liz says of the many physicians in her life, “I have found that the best doctors are the ones who work collaboratively with their patients.” Drying My Tears, One Family’s Journey with Autoimmunity, Liz Wilkey, Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, 2017, 257 pp.
Available exclusively on Amazon $4.99 for the ebook; $7.99 for paperback.
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