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Brooke E.
Guillain-Barré Syndrome

As days go by
some good some bad
I often reflect on what I once had

I was young and sprightly
with no big concerns
but life had a lesson for me
I was about to learn

“Fallen ill with a rare disease”
my doctor declared
confused and upset
I just looked at him and stared

This didn’t make sense for a young, healthy athlete
I was losing everything, even my ability to compete

Although devastated by this news, I knew sulking was no option
I fought for weeks in critical care
being treated with my doctor’s concoction

Life was changing for me now
the girl I once knew was gone
but I was determined to rise from the ashes
the new me would spawn

I took much time to focus on my health
because after all, that is the ultimate wealth

With grit and support, I was back on my feet
but this disease never left, so again we did meet

It’s like an old friend you can’t shake
they’ll drift and reappear
a gift it had given me
so I’ve held it dear

This world is filled with challenges
some of us luckier than others
but these trials strengthen and prepare us
so we aren’t always hiding under the covers

We know what we’ve had and we know what we’ve lost
we’ll never take things for granted
for we know the cost

The way to make strides is to be patient and kind
this concept of self-love was my greatest find

This disease may have haunted me for quite some time
but it gifted me this lesson and made this story mine.