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Autoimmune Association is Proud to Be the New Home for AutoimmuneMom

We welcome AutoimmuneMom as a new resource for all Autoimmune Warriors

A brainstorm that started in Colorado which came to life in Texas will now reside in Michigan as the Autoimmune Association becomes the new home for, a community for people living with autoimmune disease. AutoimmuneMom will continue to maintain its social media presence, but all website content will be hosted on was born out of frustration with a lack of online information about autoimmune conditions beyond the surface-level articles and blog posts. In 2012, Katie Cleary started to develop content that dug into current research and examined deeper questions, creating AutoimmuneMom. Mothers know everything, and as women are more commonly diagnosed with autoimmune disease, it seemed only natural to focus on Moms for sharing resources and ways to manage these conditions. 

Not just for mothers, or just for women. While motherhood may be at its core, AutoimmuneMom is a community for everyone living with autoimmune or related diseases. Often, autoimmune disease is hard to diagnose, often a person will have more than one, and often a particular autoimmune disease is considered rare, given that there are more than 150+ conditions that are considered to be an autoimmune or related disease.

The complexities of autoimmune disease can be enormously challenging. Cleary’s goal for AutoimmuneMom was to help people find information and ways to manage these conditions. To help people find a way to figure out their “new normal” for as much of their life as possible. As AARDA’s mission is to serve the autoimmune disease community we are honored to continue Cleary’s work to connect autoimmune warriors from all over America and across the world.

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